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Price lists


In a nutshell

  • Price lists determine how much your company charges its customers for provided work.
  • There is always at least one Basic price list, plus any number of necessary custom made price lists.
  • Custom price lists can be available either to all customer companies or just to selected ones.

Setting up price lists is an essential part of using Sinch. They determine how much an order is going to cost for the customer and what price is going to be charged for provided work by individual professions of your company, based on various criteria. All prices and other information can be simply edited and adjusted as needed at any time. You can set different prices for different customers and different professions if you need to.

See the tutorial to learn about price lists with a practical example.

Price list page

Go to the main menu on the left and click Settings → Finances → Price lists.

On this page, you can see a table overview of all of your existing price lists and their settings. Clicking the action drop-down menu on the right allows you to View, Edit, Duplicate or Delete the selected price list.

The default price list is called "Basic". It determines the default prices for all of the professions, cannot be deleted and is available to all companies so there is always a price list for all of the customers and professions when creating an order.

Pricelist management

Pricelist management

There is also a calculator on the price list page that helps you quickly estimate how much a job is going to cost for specific customers, based on selected price lists, professions, rating level, duration and staff member role.

Pricelist calculator

Price list configuration

The price list configuration dialog allows for complex configuration of all of the needed price list properties.

Click Create new price list or Edit on an existing price list to open it.

The configuration dialog allows for editing of the following properties:

  • Price list name
  • Active / Not active
  • Availability to customer companies
  • Setting the price list as default for customer companies
  • Configuration of prices charged for individual professions

Availability to customer companies

A price list can be available for use either by all companies or for specifically selected companies only.

This allows you to create general price lists as well as more specific ones for discounts, VIP clients, special events, etc.

By limiting a price list’s availability for selected companies only, you can make sure that an order with an incorrect price list will not be created for a company by mistake. After selecting a company during a new job creation, only price lists associated with that company will be available for selection.

To limit availability for selected companies:

1. Click Available for all companies.

2. In the following dialog, set the availability for Selected companies.

3. To associate the desired company, click Add company.

4. Select one or multiple companies in the list of all companies and click OK.


If the company you want to select does not appear on the list, make sure you have added it to the company list and that it is active. For more information see Companies.

Companies can be removed from the list at any time.

5. Finish the availability settings by clicking Confirm.

Setting a price list as default

Setting a price list as default for a company means that it is automatically used for that company when creating a new order.

1. Click Default for 0 companies.

2. Add companies for which you want the price list to be used as default and click Confirm.

Configuration of prices charged for professions

Each price list contains a price definition for all of the professions of your company. That way it is ensured that one price list can set prices for complex jobs with many professions involved.

1. Set up prices for individual Professions by clicking on them. A new window for each profession opens up.


A profession must be created in the agency settings before it is visible and editable in the price list settings. There can be as many professions as your business requires. For more information see Professions.

2. Select which role you want to set a price list for: a staff member or a lead worker (e.g. crew boss, crew chief, senior hostess, etc.).


See more about the difference between a staff member and a lead worker on the Roles page.

3. When creating a new price list, the default prices from the Basic price list are always pre-filled to save you time when you only want to change the price for certain professions or staff member roles.

Also, if you change the prices in the Basic price list, they will automatically update for all of the professions with the box ticked in all of the existing price lists to keep your maintenance simple.

4. Untick the box for "Use the same price as in Basic price list" if you want to set different prices.

Select your Price type:

a. Fix rate with hour range

This price type allows you to set a combination of prices for shifts. You define certain time spans that will be charged based on a fixed flat rate and set the hourly price for shifts that exceed the defined time span.

Enter the number of hours for which you want to apply the fixed rate (Shift from and Shift to), fix the rate Price and the Hour price accordingly.

b. Hour rate

The price of shifts with the Hour rate price type is calculated and charged by the number of hours actually worked.

c. Fix rate only

The price of shifts with the Fix rate only is always the fixed rate no matter how many hours they actually take.

5. Click Confirm.

6. Click Save after you have set up all of the professions.

When a new price list is created, it will appear in the "Price lists table". You can View, Edit, Duplicate or Delete it any time by clicking the action drop-down menu. An existing price list can also be set as active or inactive.

Managing price lists in customer company detail

In each company details page, you can see which price lists are available, as well as the default for the specific company in the "Pricelist tab". By clicking the action drop-down menu you can View,or Set as default, the selected price list. To edit the price lists click the Manage pricelists button.

Managing price lists in customer company detail

Managing price lists in customer company detail

See the tutorial to learn about price lists with a practical example.