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Job applicants


In a nutshell

Job applicants are staff members who select the job they want to attend in the staff member view and apply for it. Such applications must be approved by an administrator. Only after that can the staff member attend the job.

The possibility for staff members to sign in as applicants gives you an option to keep staff member scheduling under better company control, while still not having to find, contact, and assign each individual staff member yourself.

The logic is simple: When the staff member signs in as an applicant, the administrator is informed about it and they have to make the decision whether they want to accept this specific staff member for this specific shift, based on any criteria. You can set the same requirements for standard staff members and for applicants to make sure that only applicants who meet certain criteria can apply.

This can be utilized in a number of ways:

  • Jobs can be locked for standard self sign-in, with only applicants allowed. That way, a pool of candidates can apply for the job and you make the final decision on who will attend. You can set the requirements for applicants the same way as for standard staff members, to make sure only applicants who meet certain criteria are able to apply.

  • Jobs can be opened for standard direct self sign-in with the possibility for applicant sign-in enabled as well. That way, once all of the positions are assigned to regular staff members, applicants can still sign in, thus creating a pool of stand-by staff members who can be scheduled instead of last minute no-shows.

Or alternatively, this can allow sign-in for applicants who do not meet the position criteria, while still giving you an opportunity to evaluate that specific applicant. You can then decide if you could give them an exception and sign them in, so they can work alongside more skilled colleagues and get more experience.

New job form

In the new job form, for each shift you can set if it is open to applicants, and how exactly.

To enable applicants for a specific shift, simply set value to Amount of applicants. If this value is larger than 0, applicants are allowed to sign up up to the selected maximal amount.

This is the maximum number of applicants who can apply for the shift. This can be used when you need more applicants than the number of staff members that you actually need for the shift, so you can choose the best people from multiple applicants. On the other hand, you might want to limit the number of applicants, so you do not have to go through hundreds of applicants.


You can set default maximum amount of applicants in SettingsAgencySettingsJob creation default values.

Edit the value of Default maximum applicant capacity per position. If you do not want to allow applicants by default, set this value to 0.

You can also set some additional options:

Applicants must meet position requirements - Select this option if you want your applicants to meet certain criteria to make sure you only select suitable candidates. Leave this option unchecked if you are using job applicants to give an opportunity to staff members who do not meet the job requirements, but are interested in the job.

Visibility - By changing this option to locked you can make sure that only applicants are allowed to sign in. For direct self-signing in, the shifts is locked. Therefore every single staff member signing up for this shift must be approved by the administrator first.

 New job form applicant options

New job form applicant options

Applicants page

Page WorkAttendanceJob applicants is a page that lists all pending job applications.

 List of applicants

List of applicants

An administrator can open this page to see a complete list of all applicants, to review them, and approve or decline their application.

The displayed information is who is the applicant, which job did they apply for, to which position, and what is their rating and profile status. An administrator can approve or decline the application directly on this page, or open the shift detail for more information and approve applicants there.

Upcoming shifts page

On the Upcoming shifts page, each upcoming shift with some applications waiting for approval is marked with the applicant icon.

 Upcoming shifts

Upcoming shifts

Job detail

On the Job detail page, each shift that allows applicant sign-in contains a list of pending (and denied) applicants. An administrator can approve or decline applications here as well. Approved applicants will be moved to the list of regular staff members.

Here, an administrator can also assign staff members to applicant positions manually. That can be handy in situations where one administrator is in charge of drafting staff members from an agency staff list, and another administrator is responsible for final selection and approval.

 Applicants in shift detail

Applicants in shift detail

Worker portal

If self-registration of staff members for jobs is allowed via the worker portal and the job is set accordingly, staff members can sign in as applicants.

 Job detail in worker portal

Job detail in worker portal

Whether the staff member can sign in as an applicant depends on the specific configuration.

  1. If a job is not locked, has available positions, and the staff member meets the requirements, they can only sign in as a regular staff member. They cannot choose if they want to sign in directly, or as an applicant. Staff members who do meet the requirements can sign in as applicants only after the regular positions are all filled. On the other hand, staff members who do not meet the requirements can only sign in as applicants, even if there are regular positions available.

  2. If the job is locked and allows applicants, staff members can only sign in as applicants.

A staff member can sign in to multiple overlapping positions happening at the same time. However once an administrator confirms one of these applications, the staff member is automatically signed out of other applicant positions.

When job an application is approved or declined, the staff member receives an email notification about it.